Green Practices

We are committed to preserving and protecting the natural resources and the ecosystem of our beautiful island; therefore, we work to minimize the environmental and social impacts associated with our operations.

  • Plastic recycling - Reducing plastic consumption.

  • Monitoring of total water use on property (pools, guestrooms, kitchen and garden areas).

  • Switch Off policy for team members to turn off computer equipment and printers when not in use.

  • Using low energy light bulbs.

  • Reducing our usage of harmful cleaning chemicals and replacing them with eco-friendly products wherever possible.

  • Reducing our usage of paper by avoiding printing and when required printing double sided.

  • Using an outside laundry service helps us with energy and water conservation.

  • Leftover cooked food is fed to our cats and chickens.

  • Buying local products in order to support sustainability and local farmers.

  • Supporting local businesses in order to help improve their sustainability.

We remain focused on efforts to:

  • Continue to reduce our energy and water consumption by employing energy and water saving devices.

  • Use more organic produce, seasonal vegetables and local produce.

  • Get involved in local community projects.

  • Continuously review our policy to improve our environmental impact.

We would like to enlist your help in achieving our aims by asking you to:

  • Turn off lights, television and air-condition when leaving the room.

  • Cut the tap off when you don’t need it.

  • Limit the use of air-conditioning and turn it off when a window or door is open to the outside.

  • Consider reusing towels (change upon request).

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